To attain complete harmony we have to balance the internal and the external factors responsible for our well being.

 The internal factors are food, breath, rest, attitude and the spirit.

The external factors are planets, relationships, environment, job and opportunities.

So after the complete diagnosis and self evaluation based on these factors, for every individual, family and organizations, we chart down the training, treatment and counseling needed to attain complete well being and harmony.

Treatment and training forms the two arms of the activities of ARHAMM, while the former is curative, the latter is preventive. Healing the body and the mind of the current state of dis-ease, one is equipped with the knowledge to prevent such imbalances in future.

The ARHAMM method of diagnosis, treatment of ailments and training has evolved by combining natural and energy healing methods such as Reiki, Acupressure, Yogasana, Pranayama, Meditation, Vasthu, Transaction Analysis (TA), Colour therapy, Herbal remedies etc. The treatment is drugless, incorporating changes in lifestyle and modification in food habits.


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